Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oslo, Norway (1 month in)

Well, I'm in Norway now, and I can't figure out whether it feels like I've been gone a week or a year. Both maybe.
I saw the Edvard Munch museum today. Damn he's good. He's everything I want to be as an artist. I mean, he was miserable enough to make amazing art work, but not so miserable that he killed himself like everybody else. Rock on, Edvard!
Okay, I heard Norway was expensive. But, Jesus! I saw some rundown burger pit selling a cheese burger for about... 20 Canadian dollars! Which reminds me, one of the few americans I met on this journey was like "You guys shouldn't call them dollars, you should call them Canadian dollars." Needless to say, this went into a futile semi-argument about how silly that was. So silly in fact, that there was nothing to argue really.
I wish Americans weren't proving my stereotype of them as I travelled. But they are. Actually, I started of with having only met amazing Americans! So, I dont judge them all by this trip, but I get what the Europeans see.
I went to Nosbleed records. Basically it's half store, half crazy impressive Black Metal museum.
The rest is for Metal nerds only. Everybody else skip to the end. They had Euronymous's cross from the album cover; hundereds of original pressings (yes, vinyl) of Mayhem; Burzum; Gorgoroth; bands whose names I couldn't pronounce, totally awesome. Not to mention crazy signed photos and master copies of Burzum, Gorgoroth, Mayhem.
I know what you're all thinking. And NO, I couldn't find any Anaal Nathrakh LP's OR EP's... I know, right?!
I don't know if I'll stick around long. It's super expensive and I saw what I basically came for. It's dead winter now, so there's not much for music until April or so. Maybe Berlin next.
*Then I take Berlinnnnnn.* (Get it? Cohen?)

Love Kenzie (You do)
Love, Kenzie

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Copenhagen, Denmark

I love these Scandinavian people. There's an insane amount of bikes everywhere, not to mention weird furry hats, and everybody is super friendly and happy. This is the happiest nation on earth after all *seriously.
I might stay tomorrow, and check out some weird hippy commune sort of area, or I might head to Norway. Black metal and Edvard Munch paintings!!
Marzipan and nuget equals yummmm.
I went to another museum today. If I see one more painting of a rich person looking over their shoulder, a naked jesus, a dying jesus, a dying martyr, or some still life of a dead goose... I'll cry. But there are some cool paintings. The Mona Lisa? Big woop! Im beginning to realise why I dropped out of art school. There's tons of awesome graffiti though. Copenhagen seems to leave it all up, so every building and van here is covered in throw ups and tags. Not to mention tons of sweet wheat pastes and stencils.
Record shopping is the same here as it is back home. Nobody can get rid of those god awful Yanni records and theres an overflow of Phil Colins. No matter where you're from, you know Phil Colins is a dope.
I need to start attempting to use public transit, I end up walking about 8 hours a day. I'm going to have the knees of an 80 year old by the end of the trip.
Amsterdam! Go there. I spent about three days there having a wicked time, and that was without legal drugs and prostitutes. The red light district is a bit of a let down, maybe my generation is to desensitized. Actually, theyre trying to clean it up for tourists. Because that's what the tourists want, right? It makes me feel like I live in the stone age back home where all this stuff is illegal. It takes it off a pedestal when it's legal, you don't even care about it. Enough preaching to the choir though. I will say though, I had some cake on my train ride home... it made it go by fast, but it didn't make it fun when the police came on board to check passports.
Anywho. I still don't have pictures up yet. I'm too cheap and lazy to go and find a camera chord. So I'll put them all up one day, and none of you will want to look through them all. Just google all the places I'm talking about, it's the same deal. Just picture a really cool, ruggedly handsome, kinda guy standing in the picture.
Hope everybodys enjoying the freezing cold. Its cold here too though. Ive been considering buying gloves!
Ciao, dudes! (That's for, Colin)

Friday, January 23, 2009


Okay, internet access has been limited as of late. And I have like, 5 minutes to use this. So, in a nutshell. Paris is gorgeous, the cheese/baguettes/crepes/eifel tower are actually as awesome as they're made out to be. And yes, the french can be rather rude.
I am now in the Netherlands! Amsterdam to be exact. Heineken's awesome, the people are super happy everywhere, there's an insane amount of bikes, and I haven't had the chance to get out and see the "amsterdam" amsterdam side of things yet.
For all the electronic music fans out there. I can't get tickets, but I just found out that Sebastian is playing here tonight. On this crazy boat party thing sponsored by Jagermeister. I'm trying not to cry about it, but oh well. I guess I'll tryyyy to have a good time.
More later!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Gay Paris, Ahhh Oui.

Well. In London and I just got my europass and *drumroll* credit card! I'm going shopping, baby! Not really, but I am going to get a train to Paris tomorrow. This will be my first real cuture shock with a language barrier. Quebec was a bit like that, but not really at all. So, it's time to whip out whatever butchered french phrases I have.
Ou est la biblioteque?
Je besouin (sp?) un ordinateur, pour mon coeur.
Voila, mon passport!
Mon pere est plus fort que le tien.
The last one is the only gramatically correct one, I think, because it was on Colin's t-shirt. It basically reads "My dad is stronger than yours."
Another minor annoyance, maybe I can fix it, even though I'm doing paragraphs and crap here, they come up as one jumbled mess when I post it. Sorry for any un-readability.
I'll be at some hippy commune when I get there, the Peace and Love hostel. Why don't you go back to San Fran, Garcia, and let the rest of us enjoy our baguettes et petite fromage dans peace? <-- Free music site that rules! (even though it doesn't have Elliot Smith) Check out MGMT, specifically Weekend Wars and Pieces of What.
I'll update again when I actually do something of interest. What's in Paris anyways? The Louvre, crazy cinema, pisinne, absinthe, berets, etc... I think.

Au bientot, Kenzie

PS What's it like in Canada? It's not too bad here. A little chilly sometimes though. When I left Edinburgh they got 1cm of snow! Thank God I got out in time, I'd have been stuck there for weeks. Enjoy shovelling, suckers.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Back In London, but not for long.

I headed back to London about a week ago. I was going to stay one night in Edinburgh before continuing on. But it was not meant to be. If you ever want to not get sucked into a city, don't go to Edinburgh, and don't stay at the Castle Rock Hostel.
The hostel is literally at the bottom of the castle's 'mountain', which is a dead volcanoe. It's a jaw dropping kinda view.
I went to Arthur's seat. I think it's where you can see where King Arthur did... something. In a nutshell, it's a set of stairs from hell. I climbed the wrong hill first, before realizing that there were two other ones. Luckily the second one was Arthur's seat. I can't believe I'm so lame that I enjoy things like taking hikes... to see views!
On less lame notes, there's a lot of awesome pubs. I ended up eating Hagis. I get it, man. Why is it put on such a gross pedestal? It's totally delicious and doesn't even look gross. I thought it was going to be grey and wiggle like jello. It's more like a ground beef. Oh yeah, blood sausage, that rules too. It is what it is.
The baby-face landed me a lot of new contacts throughout the world as well, so woo hoo! That, or it might be my new personality I'm trying on over here. Silent brooding type. I wear my sunglasses indoors.
Next on the list. Planning my train-ride. Methinks, London -> Paris -> Portugal. Crumpets, baguettes, port.

PS - Pictures I didn't take. I'll find a camera chord soon enough.

Arthur's seat panorama -

And the Castle! -

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ullapool, Scotland, neat!

I'm in Ullapool, in the very north of Scotland, look it up. It's like all the best parts of Nova Scotia glued together then fed steroids. Although it tends to be cloudy constantly, it's still quite lovely.
This'll be a short post.
I might even get the chance to go out on a fishing boat for a week, next week. But we'll see.
More later.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Edinburgh, Scotland

I'm in Scotland! That's very cool in my opinion. I got here last night after a 9 hour bus ride from England. I got out of the bus station and had that kinda Bambi-eyed look I get when I dont know where the hell I'm going.
Some old man in a suit asked me if I needed a hostel, and I told him the one I was aiming for. He convinced me that "his was better" and it came with a free ride there. I thought, this guy's gotta be legit', so before he could even offer me candy I jumped on in!
Long story short, it's like staying at somebody's weird grandpa's house for the night. Actually, two. His asian wife (his words, not mine) and he are very clever in getting you to stay an extra night. If the second night there is anything like the first, it'll consist of him and I drinking scotch while he repeats things the TV (at full volume) has just said, as if we both hadn't just heard it.

"The Pictish clan made a treaty with the Vikings..."
Mutes the TV.
"Did you know, the Pictish clan made a treaty with the Vikings?"
"Oh... nope, that's interesti-"
Volume full blast again.

The Castle is gorgeous though. I took pictures, but I don't think they'll do the slightest justice to what it feels like to stare up at it.
Tomorrow I think I shall go even further north, past Inverness, to a town called Ullapool. Kaitlyn's old pal Netta is there working at a pub, and she says its only a town of 2000. I'm excited to be out of the city and into the country. It should be gorgeous.
Also, I still can't find a camera chord, so there'll be a ton of pictures one day, spanning from Christmas at home to Edinburgh castle.
Also also. If Greg Christmas is reading this ever... Hey Greg, I'm in Scotland. Where are you?