Monday, January 19, 2009

Gay Paris, Ahhh Oui.

Well. In London and I just got my europass and *drumroll* credit card! I'm going shopping, baby! Not really, but I am going to get a train to Paris tomorrow. This will be my first real cuture shock with a language barrier. Quebec was a bit like that, but not really at all. So, it's time to whip out whatever butchered french phrases I have.
Ou est la biblioteque?
Je besouin (sp?) un ordinateur, pour mon coeur.
Voila, mon passport!
Mon pere est plus fort que le tien.
The last one is the only gramatically correct one, I think, because it was on Colin's t-shirt. It basically reads "My dad is stronger than yours."
Another minor annoyance, maybe I can fix it, even though I'm doing paragraphs and crap here, they come up as one jumbled mess when I post it. Sorry for any un-readability.
I'll be at some hippy commune when I get there, the Peace and Love hostel. Why don't you go back to San Fran, Garcia, and let the rest of us enjoy our baguettes et petite fromage dans peace? <-- Free music site that rules! (even though it doesn't have Elliot Smith) Check out MGMT, specifically Weekend Wars and Pieces of What.
I'll update again when I actually do something of interest. What's in Paris anyways? The Louvre, crazy cinema, pisinne, absinthe, berets, etc... I think.

Au bientot, Kenzie

PS What's it like in Canada? It's not too bad here. A little chilly sometimes though. When I left Edinburgh they got 1cm of snow! Thank God I got out in time, I'd have been stuck there for weeks. Enjoy shovelling, suckers.


Brooklyn said...

Bonne, bonne! (See? You're french could be worse)
It was cold and terrible in Halifax for a while, but now its mild and icy. You haven't missed a thing.

Also, doing some talking with Gillian last night about Great- Great Grandfathers and neat names, I came to the realization that we may be long lost (also deep, dark, and distant) cousin.


cgnn said...

Musee d'Orsay! And walk around. Paris is awesome for walking.

It is gross in Hali right now. My pants were soaked up to my knees by the time I made it to work today. Slush all around.