Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Copenhagen, Denmark

I love these Scandinavian people. There's an insane amount of bikes everywhere, not to mention weird furry hats, and everybody is super friendly and happy. This is the happiest nation on earth after all *seriously.
I might stay tomorrow, and check out some weird hippy commune sort of area, or I might head to Norway. Black metal and Edvard Munch paintings!!
Marzipan and nuget equals yummmm.
I went to another museum today. If I see one more painting of a rich person looking over their shoulder, a naked jesus, a dying jesus, a dying martyr, or some still life of a dead goose... I'll cry. But there are some cool paintings. The Mona Lisa? Big woop! Im beginning to realise why I dropped out of art school. There's tons of awesome graffiti though. Copenhagen seems to leave it all up, so every building and van here is covered in throw ups and tags. Not to mention tons of sweet wheat pastes and stencils.
Record shopping is the same here as it is back home. Nobody can get rid of those god awful Yanni records and theres an overflow of Phil Colins. No matter where you're from, you know Phil Colins is a dope.
I need to start attempting to use public transit, I end up walking about 8 hours a day. I'm going to have the knees of an 80 year old by the end of the trip.
Amsterdam! Go there. I spent about three days there having a wicked time, and that was without legal drugs and prostitutes. The red light district is a bit of a let down, maybe my generation is to desensitized. Actually, theyre trying to clean it up for tourists. Because that's what the tourists want, right? It makes me feel like I live in the stone age back home where all this stuff is illegal. It takes it off a pedestal when it's legal, you don't even care about it. Enough preaching to the choir though. I will say though, I had some cake on my train ride home... it made it go by fast, but it didn't make it fun when the police came on board to check passports.
Anywho. I still don't have pictures up yet. I'm too cheap and lazy to go and find a camera chord. So I'll put them all up one day, and none of you will want to look through them all. Just google all the places I'm talking about, it's the same deal. Just picture a really cool, ruggedly handsome, kinda guy standing in the picture.
Hope everybodys enjoying the freezing cold. Its cold here too though. Ive been considering buying gloves!
Ciao, dudes! (That's for, Colin)

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