Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Krakow is a gorgeous city. Not only that but this hostel is amazing. Free everything, pool table, gorgeous lounge areas, cheap, I dont know. I just want to live here. But we met a guy that kinda does... maybe I dont want to be the guy who lives in a hostel.
Anyways. Went to Auschwitz today. Needless to say it was a surreal and disturbing experience. It's almost impossible for me to wrap my head around those sorts of sights fully, but it was still very intense. There were displays of just piles and piles of glasses and shoes and things they took from all the prisoners. The most unsettling being an unbelievably large pile of human hair that they shaved from the women prisoners, usually after they'd been killed. They used it for textiles, but not surprisingly, couldn't sell a lot of it. Also, standing in the actual gas chambres, and looking at the actual ovens... just, strange strange strange.
On a lighter note, our tour guide was a very awesome and crazy driving old dude. He told us about meeting Spielberg when he was filming Schindlers List there, and how he had to translate for him here and there. Then he began to show us all the languages he could speak, up to 11. I couldnt disprove him, but he sounded like he was speaking Chinese and Arabic very well. I speak one language fluently, another poorly, and another almost not at all. I'll let you guess what they are.
I'm learning more and more what words mean completely different things in other languages. My friend had the unfortunate oppurtunity to learn that inviting an Englishman to come "cottaging" with you and your friends in the summer, doesnt quite mean sitting around a campfire and swimming.
Im almost over my cold too! And I bought an awesome baklava, which I can wear outside the privacy of my own room, but I love it.
Not much else to say at this moment. The Englishmen are heading to India in a few weeks, so we might be splitting paths in the next couple days. I might be going to... switzerland? I don't know. Ive actually had to ask myself where I am a couple times, and trace my steps as to where I had been yesterday. The ol' noggin and what it used to be it seems.
Hope everybody hasn't filled the void in their life, since my leaving, with binge eating or obsessive online gambling. Buh bye!



Thomas said...

I've filled the void purchasing and subsequently destroying priceless Fabergé eggs. It is a costly habbit.

Anonymous said...

This is a typical parent's comment but our Visa bill came and you need to call home as you are spending money you don't have. Are you using your debit card?